"In this world you will have troubles. But take heart! I have overcome the world." --Jesus, John 16:33

"Theres something beautiful about a billion stars held steady by a God who knows what He is doing. They hang there, the stars, like notes on a page of music, free-form verse, silent mysteries swirling in the blue like jazz."

Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller

It would be wonderful if somehow I was struck with a sudden inspiration to write something thought provoking, beautiful and almost lyrical tonight, particularly since this is my first post of 2009. Alas, nothing comes to mind except random pictures, images and moments and I can only dwell on the fact that 2008 may not have been the very best year for me, but I sure grew up more this way than when I was in university and everything was fine and dandy and easy.

But Im not feeling particularly eloquent . So very random pictures will have to do for today. Basically whatever I actually have downloaded off facebook in the past month and a half.

The above picture captures most of not all the brothers and sisters who have blessed my life with their prescences of late. They can put up with my most obnoxious of manners and they are supportive, so much it hurts, and I know if I ever need anything, they will be there with open arms and hearts. Oh. And the party was fun too ;)

Ah, my Australian Dad and 'house sisters'. Fond fond fond!!!Ah, that high school reunion. Could it have been so long ago when everyone in this picture was an awkward adolescent? Time flies, issues drop, people grow and friendships remain.

Ah, my Jolene.

My two oldest friends, Kathleen and Emily. The doctor and MBA holder. Makes my degree feel so damn insignificant, doesnt it? But theyre amazing. Chiew Yi!!! MBA holder to be!!! My old friends are all so accomplished. See, people, studying really does sort you out and being a nerd in high school?

It pays off. Stay in school. :D
Thats during Chinky's birthday. It was a blast and a half and Ill always have fond memories of that and of them.

Thats me in a (stolen) angels costume and halo for the Nativity play this year. I was not an angel ( how unbelievable would I be in that role?) but the narrator, but I didn't want to miss getting that winning halo shot, ya know.

This is a stolen shot with Jen and Aubrey. Rarely though we meet, theyre quite rocks to me, and I would have been lost my first few months in Brunei without them. They are such lovely people, we have our flaws but at the end of the day, I am truly blessed to have crossed paths with them.

But nothing much more comes to mind.

My achievements in 2008 are nothing compared to Baby James. Im not the best aunt. But Im working on it.

2009 is gonna be a buzz year. I feel it in the air. I would like to finally get closer to God, work on my family and fix myself up.

This is the year I turn 23 and I really really need to work on being that woman the 13 year old me always wanted to be.

Its just...I just have so many concerns right now. And Im weak. And I feel I could break down at any moment from the absolute weight of my concerns and worries (Im just not made to shoulder burdens very well yet and Im so so sorry) and my God, my faith and service is probably the one constant thing keeping me together.

"Though I hear nothing, He is speaking. Though I see nothing, He is acting. With God there are no accidents. Every incident is intended to bring us closer to Him"

A Gentle Thunder by Max Lucado

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