maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets

"You don't have to be afraid of change.

You don't have to worry about whats been taken away.

Just look to see whats been added."
-Jackie Greer

Over the last weekend, I went to sleep pretty beat, and I felt rejuvenated when I woke up and I heard Christmas themes playing and lo and behold, I walked out of my room and saw a pretty Christmas tree all nice and trimmed and ready for the occasion in my living room. It gave me a pretty little feeling inside and the whole being rainy out made it nice beginning to the day.

You know how there are rain people and sun people, those who bloom or wilt based on the weather? Well, while I have a happy sunny day here or there, its in the rain that Im most pleased, and I like rain in all its forms, be in the light tralalala Im dancing in the rain drizzle or the its the perfect setting for a romantic kiss pitter patter or the thundering lightning tree shaking kind.

I'm that type of person you'd laugh at because I have been known to dance or sing or kiss in the rain. Yeah, im that person.

Im just a rain person, and I suppose thats really all thats the point of this post.


Well, a certain favourite character of mine has apparently just come out of the closet, and while i respect the writer and adore the series, a little part of me could have just done without the traumatizing mental imagery.

In all seriousness, it takes a little bit away from the magic of it all, thats all I'm saying, and I understand the intentions of the writer or whatever, but on my part, I could have done without knowing, thats all.

Ah, for as long as I live, Ill never get over the excitement of the weekend approaching. I hope you all have a delicious one.

one good thing about being young is that you are not experienced enough to know you cannot possibly do the things you are doing.

Procrastination is like masturbation. It seems like a good idea at the time, but in the end you’re really only fucking yourself.- Unknown

You could say I was born a procrastinator.

When I was a kid, I didnt want to walk because I wanted my parents to lug me around for as long as I could stretch it.

Okay, maybe not really, but I can imagine the kid in me doing that.

I put off doing laundry till all Im left with are completely mismatched tops and skirts (which I would then attempt to pull off and say it was 'style'). I put off doing groceries till all I have to eat are a hopefully edible mishmash of whatever's left (which could range from tuna in meegoreng or honey and hot dogs) in my ref that doesnt seem to be past its expiry date.

At uni, I put off doing assignments until I'm forced to stay up with pillows and take away meals in the relevant computer lab and rushing to finish the work on an adrenaline rush. Even my group work or other submissions havent been spared and I've often fell back on sugar induced rushes just to get something submitted on time.

I lived on no sleep.

Some of my work submitted after a rush was often some of my best work.

Nowadays, I crave sleep so much, it worries me. If I don't have more than 6 hours a night, its so difficult for me to crawl out of bed.

When I was 17 in uni, I scoffed at a 21 year old who told me that though he liked his party nights, he had to cut down some because he couldnt go on no sleep like he used to. I literally scoffed. Then I find out at 21, Im feeling the very same thing.

And on a random note of sorts, after a birthday party last night, I have discovered I drink more than my older brother. Random, but true. I wonder what that means.

Life is getting in full swing again, and I'm enjoying the liberty (and limitations) of earning my own money. My mother always wants to save me but I told her I'm done with relying on them for money. Them, being my mom and dad. They've sacrificed loads for me and its high time I get my bum in gear and slowly be the one helping them out, rather than the other way around. And it makes me happy to know I'm slowly becoming financially independant.

Even if not emotionally.

I miss my parents so.

I have a lot of Brunei people I'd like to catch up with when life slows down, and it will be quite interesting to see just how much more different-or similar- we all are after the years apart. I've seen a random face here and there, and most claim to not realise its me, which Im sure, is either an insult or flattery, so lets just be vain for a sec and take that as a compliment.

Pity the people who use font enhancement to decorate their bland excuse for wording a feeling.

"I don't like people who have never fallen or stumbled. Their virtue is lifeless and it isn't of much value. Life hasn't revealed its beauty to them."~Boris Pasternak

Yesterday I sent a remittance of money back to the Philippines.
I also bought a bed.
And was chided by my boss because I left work at 5.30 pm, which is earlier than the usual workaholic in me allows because I had commitments.
I also am moving to a quasi new place this weekend.
And I am thinking of applying for *gasp* insurance.

How unbelievably 'adult' of me.

Note the sarcasm. ;)