Live a good life.
If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by.
If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them.
If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.
-- Marcus Aurelius.
We spend way too much time wondering what others think.
There are people who you don't think think about you at all but they do, and then there are the people who you think do but really don't at all. We care too much about what other people think of us, and we get disappointed when they dont think of us as much or as highly as we'd like them to think.
Its like we hold our self esteem and self worth based on the fleeting second thought someone has of us and at the end of the day, a lot of us place a lot of regard for that split second.
But people surprise you and a fleeting thought this one had of me, well, have you heard 'Hey There, Delilah' by Plain White Tee's?
hey there izzy, how's it like in brunei city/ im a thousand miles away but girl tonight u look so pretty yes u do/warisan square cant shine as bright as u, my word is true,/oh what u do to me, oh what u do to me..
No romantic intentions,I think, but well, its ohsocorny, but ohsosweet and he will never know how much it touched me because I won't ever tell him.
But imagine what he must have thought of my nonreaction?
Like I said,we spend way too much time wondering of what others think. We really shouldnt.It doesnt do much good.
But I just bet youre wondering what I think of you right now.
I already KNOW I rock your socks.
i didn't know you are in Brunei
Thats funny, I left you a blogspot message about me being in brunei and u didnt contact me :( I thought Chinky, Jomay and your mom would have told you too! I told them to tell u! Ive just been busy getting into a new job and bleah bleah bleah.
But technically, as it happens,Im not in brunei! Im in philippines sorting my medicals and visa out but should be back soon! Ill contact u when i get back. :)
Oh and Sana, DUH. <3
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