catch a falling star and put it in your pocket/ never let it fade away

A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. -Mitch Ratliffe

That quote hits me, especially when I accidentally send out an email or IM I didnt mean to send, either because I was not in my right senses (heh, you know) or I think its a good idea at the time and BAM. Meh. Unanticipated consequences.

Thank God for the edit and delete buttons, but theres just no UNSEND cure, is there?

Seems to be our generations equivalent of drunk dialling. Unfocused emailing? heh.


It was brilliant.

I would review it, but by now, everyone and their pet cat has read and reviewed their copy, so Ill just say I loved it, even if I felt the epilogue was stupid and the ending was rushed. Brilliant nevertheless and my favourite installment from JK for the series by far. Thanks Joanne Kathleen Rowling, you made my adolescence have that extra magic and my imagination that extra spin over the years.

I apologise to those on my MSN or Facebook. I know I littered little spoilers here and there. I was just too excited and couldnt contain myself! FORGIVE ME (you know who you are :P)

I pre-ordered my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, but I read the version leaked online and finished it before my hard copy was even in my hands. Haha. I still bought the book so nyeah. The online version leaked was the american version but the one sold here was the british so it was pretty cool having read both.

I felt bad because when I was paying for mine, this kid, he couldnt have been more than 11, he was trying to buy a copy but because he hadnt pre-ordered and Malaysian bookstores are doing this revolt on selling them because of Giant and other hypermarkets selling them at ridiculously cheaper prices. Ah well. I just like it when Current Events dun dun dun affect me too, or at least my immediate surroundings. I feel sorry for the ones who havent pre-ordered, like that kid. I would have sold him mine, since I already read it, but he gave me a dirty look, and I remembered I was a rabid fan, came to my senses and wanted my own copy so I walked away. Take that, mean kid.


I have found an affinity with karaoke lately, and its been crazy. I think one of my fave re- finds is Janet Jackson's "Again", one of the few songs my tentative voice can work. My newfound friends and I work the scene, and we always look for a new place to karaoke. Its all good fun.

Never underestimate karaoke. My jaw hurt the very first time I went again after a long time. Methinks I was grinning too much as I sang. Haha.


I have a blender. And I've decided I will use it to find my best mix of fruits to drink. I shalllet you know my progress.

Somehow I got myself into helping to choreograph a dance, and not just any dance but a good fast hip hop dance to a PlanetShakers song. Yes. Me. My last dance performance was a good two years ago, and even then I was already faltering.

I have been more of a go with the flow dancer, in clubs and/or parties than a choreographed dancer of late, but it amazing how much fun I'm having. (and discovering just how much out of shape I am GRR!)

Hopefully I'll be around to watch the performance, but if not, hey, the memories (and the exercise!) and the dance itself are well worth it.

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